Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Short Period High Cervix Should I Test Again...?

Should I test again...? - short period high cervix

I had some very easy "time" ... my cervix is still high and soft, and I have not ovulating (non-fertile CM). So I could be pregnant, would have a negative HPTS to date (it was a thin line, but was rejected because he was very weak and had a negative impact on the next day, then started bleeding). But my cervix to be low and difficult to AF. Maybe it was not really a period ... I test again (I would) five weeks long. What do you think?


MELISSA said...

Even a faint line is a line! One of my friends worked in a clinic and gave me a pregnancy test from your office. I have my sister, who held the test and frustrated by a line appeared very pale. Discard the test monitor and saw that I was later the route a little darker, which do not. He concluded that she was pregnant! About 5 weeks, the rule for a new home is tested. My last positive pregnancy test were extremely low, but I'm over 24 weeks. Bleeding more light can be normal jumps for the first period.

MELISSA said...

Even a faint line is a line! One of my friends worked in a clinic and gave me a pregnancy test from your office. I have my sister, who held the test and frustrated by a line appeared very pale. Discard the test monitor and saw that I was later the route a little darker, which do not. He concluded that she was pregnant! About 5 weeks, the rule for a new home is tested. My last positive pregnancy test were extremely low, but I'm over 24 weeks. Bleeding more light can be normal jumps for the first period.

Baby #2 Due 8/5/10 said...

I agree. On the morning of the hormones in the urine is the strongest. Then take in the morning and if it is negative, as I have a couple of weeks, and expect a different take. We can not just long enough to tell.

Intrigue... said...

What time of day you took the 2 tests Varry? The first thing you should do in the morning. Normally, a light line is positive, yes, I would test tomorrow morning again.

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